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Dead 4 Left Classic: Most Points

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Treflip Last Month 580
Journeyman H. Last Month 305
kicks Last Month 210
59fe0b638ac3fb308ad0ed483af2b73b Last Month 90
Chopper This Month 75
Mud The Pegasus Last Month 65
dizzytom Last Month 65
ДИПСЯНИЧ Last Month 60
Kinsou76 Last Month 55
SpootiS Last Month 50
أككك (AK) Last Month 30
sniet Last Month 30
anperow Last Month 30
МИШК ФРЭДЭ Last Month 25
SpaghettiMan64 Last Month 25
alexstrickIX Last Month 20
Daster Union Last Month 20
bib This Month 20
zzlint Last Month 20
Juststuffinc Last Month 20