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Total Spins

Here are the player entries for this stat, summed and ordered descending. We'll make this a bit more dynamic in the future, letting you filter by date, re-order and page.
User When Value
Carson A Long Time Ago 6086
[Payasos] CibargStar This Year 238
ducc This Year 226
realistic spongebob gore A Long Time Ago 31
SOP-II This Year 25
Kubavip5 This Year 21
SHooTeR This Year 20
zeroo This Year 18
iFade A Long Time Ago 17
Ätherisch This Year 14
ONSEI A Long Time Ago 14
Meteor7283 This Year 14
bailmast This Year 14
Mask7421 This Year 14
Цыган This Year 13
bobr1 This Year 12
Cepeya This Year 12
luchik This Year 12
VolVer This Year 11