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Useful global addon for film making and recording videos that can be used inside of every game.
Spawn puppets with nametags and make them talk.

Here's the available console commands:

(Creates a puppet where you're standing that is rotated towards where you're looking)
spawn_puppet [string username] [bool looksAtYou] [int clothing]
• username will be "Anonymous" by default, use "none" to not display the nametag on top.
• looksAtYou will be "true" by default, looks towards the server creator.
• clothing will be "0" by default, 0 is random clothing between the presets, other numbers are the id of the preset. Check the screenshots to see the presets available and their ID.
Example: spawn_puppet Garry false 4 will spawn a puppet that has the nametag "Garry", is standing still, and uses the clothing preset #4.

(Creates a puppet like spawn_puppet, but this one has your clothing and username)
spawn_clone [string username] [bool looksAtYou]
• username will be your username by default, use "none" to not display the nametag on top.
• looksAtYou will be "true" by default, looks towards the server creator.
Example: spawn_clone ubre true will spawn a puppet that is wearing your clothing, has the nametag "ubre" and will stare at you.

(Deletes the last puppet you created)
Example: undo_puppet will delete the puppet named "ubre" that I spawned in the previous example, doing it again will delete the puppet named "Garry" that we spawned in the first example.

(Gets the puppet to start/stop moving their mouth as if they were talking)
toggle_speech [int targetId]
• username will be "0" by default, in order of puppets spawned they each have an id assigned.
Example: toggle_speech 0 will make the "Garry" puppet we spawned three examples ago start talking, doing it again will make it stop talking. toggle_speech 1 instead will make the "ubre" puppet we spawned two examples ago start talking. Next puppet you spawn will use toggle_speech 2 and so on...
For the best results, I suggest you bind this command to a key so you can make the puppets talk and stop talking faster.

You can find the source code here:
You're free to take the code, modify it, sell it, I don't care, I made this addon for a video.


Puppets useful for filmmaking

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