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  "ProjectTemplate": null,
  "CsProjName": "entity_pools",
  "Compiler": {
    "RootNamespace": "EntityPools",
    "DefineConstants": "SANDBOX;ADDON;DEBUG",
    "NoWarn": "1701;1702;1591;",
    "Nullables": true,
    "References": [],
    "DistinctReferences": []
  "Summary": "A pooling mechanism for entities with an API like C# ArrayPool\u003CT\u003E. Useful for situations where you are creating and deleting many entities with a limited lifespan.",
  "Description": "## Features\n* Generics support. Any type implementing IEntity (any Entity) and contains a parameterless constructor will suffice.\n* Limited capacity pools. This helps you maintain sensible entity counts and prevent excessive creations.\n* Overridable entity rent/return logic. Simply add the IPooledEntity interface to your entity.\n* Timed asynchronous returning of entities. Useful for fire and forget renting.\n* Networkable (All required functionality is implemented but is currently unusable due to S\u0026box issues.)\n\n## License\nDistributed under the MIT License. See the license for more information.",
  "Public": true,
  "ReplaceTags": "library entity optimization pooling",
  "Resources": "",
  "CodePackageReferences": []


Name Size
text_snippet manifest.json 56B
text_snippet package.gooman.entity_pools.dll 20KB
text_snippet package.gooman.entity_pools.xml 1.8KB
text_snippet 1.1KB
text_snippet 1.5KB